Based in the UK, Holland an Italy we have a nice little trade triangle going on.
This week I received a box of cards from Italy to add to my Yankees collection. Lots of cards from sts I'd not seen before which is always nice. I need to get some more folders so I can start to file these cards away.
Anyway I'm grateful as always for the cards but thought I'd pick some out that caught my eye. I hope you like them.
A 2010 Topps Heritage. I just thought it was a nice looking card.
I couldn't work out why Topps thought this was a good photo to use. There is a noticeable blur in the front of the picture.
I remember when this guy signed for the Yankees and couldn't help thinking of this chap.
I love Darryl Strawberry if only for the introduction of the player taunting Daaaaa-ryll
And finally can't post without a Derek card.
Thanks Riccardo. A return package will be on it's way soon.
Always good to be part of a triangle !